WoLEX and TeraStations?
Uh-oh, I received a report earlier today saying that Wake On LAN Ex isn't waking up Buffalo TeraStations. Considering that WoLEX is waking up other devices fine, I'm inclined to believe there could be a configuration problem with said TeraStations, or even the network to some degree. I've asked if the app is able to wake-up other devices on the network and will decide what to do depending on the answer. If not - or n/a - then I'm not sure what the plan of action is, in all honesty. I could try adding another way of implementing the WoL functionality, but I'm still confused why the existing method would only wake some devices? |
Wake On LAN Ex 3.09
Just like the dopey FileSieve problem, I may have made a total dumb-dumb with Wake On LAN Ex. That problem where a user reported that WoLEX couldn't wake up a Buffalo TerraStation? It's because they use port 2304 for waking-up, and WoLEX wasn't actually taking any notice if the user entered a port that wasn't the default port 9. Oh dear. Thanks to A. Jones for investigating the issue. New version released. |
Wake On LAN Ex 3.10
Another day, another release. There was only really supposed to be one change to this new release:
This is the result of the FileSieve and Newtonsoft JSON.Net findings. I reworked my (JSON/XML) serialisation code and took out the options that allowed you to specify
As well as simplifying the code - we're only talking about a reduction of 4 lines here - it removes the enormous performance drain of JSON.Net's TypeConverter Sorry, I lost the main point of this point: there are now quite a few changes in this new WoLEX release; once I started, I couldn't stop. |