No updates for nearly two months? Like I mentioned before, that's mainly because I can't really think of anything to post. But, today, I am posting.
If you're a registered user of my software, then expect to see an update of the Accounts site in the near future. I've just upgraded all of the backend libraries and such, and the (local development) site is completely broken. It appears things changed in Laravel, Apache, and PHP - so that shizz got busted.
I had to struggle with working out why Apache kept giving me 404 errors in regards to virtual hosts. Here's what I finally came up with that seems to work in Apache 2.4.x.
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot "P:\website_path"
ServerName mysite.l
ErrorLog "logs/mysite.l-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/mysite.l-access.log" combined
<Directory P:\website_path>
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
Satisfy Any
Just that took a few hours (as I followed numerous false trails), but it's done now and I can just apply it to all of my other virtual hosts.
Next-up is fixing the Laravel errors, which in all honesty, don't really make much sense. Thankfully the Whoops!
error-handler is back so I'm not just scrabbling around in the dark.
Still no idea what the problem is, though.